What is the Internet of Behaviours?

To understand the Internet of Behaviours(IoB), it is impoertant to understand what the Internet of Things is first. The Internet of Things include physical objects that have the ability to collect data through hardware, software, or other technologies and exchange that information across other "things" across the Internet. That data can be used to understand human behaviour and activity through behavioural analysis.

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Is it beneficial to anyone?

IoB can use the data collected and create better experiences and outcomes for users. With information on the patterns and trends a user follows, predictions following these trends can be created. Focusing on what the user thinks is important or what they pay attention to can allow better marketing towards the public. From the information taken through IoT, the product of websites, items, and experiences can be personalized in the general user's preference.

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How is IoB being used now?

Anything that a user does on the internet can be data turned into behaviour inferences in the future. Taking YouTube or Tiktok as an example, these two platforms have information about how long is spent watching the video or clip, whether it has been interacted with through likes, shares, comments, or follows/subcribes, and search histories. Companies like Uber can use the information of their employees, users, and locations to make their customer experience better and encourage using their service again.

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